EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING: Building a Future for Success

Bentley Hall Consulting offers full service consultation to students and families as they explore career and university options globally. Our ethical and professional service has verifiable success placing international students at universities worldwide. We advise families about diverse educational pathways, while assisting students with finding the ‘right fit’ institution and program. It is our mission to support internationally-minded students with achieving realistic and achievable goals. Students will feel more empowered, encouraged, and fully informed about making personal choices, while building a strong foundation for future success.

Our team offers additional services for high schools and universities including: professional development for College & University Counsellors, coordination of career and university events, information sessions on relevant higher education topics, and guidance when choosing high school courses. We take pride in addressing the educational needs of a globally mobile community.

Bentley Hall Consulting is a dynamic, resourceful and well-connected service located in the vibrant city of Copenhagen. We are committed to promoting creative international events and supporting your educational journey!